What’s It All About…

It’s a site full of music video links, so what?

Well, yes, that’s exactly what it is…but it’s a site full of music video links for a reason.

This site is a little bit of whimsy on my part, a personal experiment. You see, for about two years now I’ve been waking up every morning with a song in my head. Sometimes the songs are quite random and sometimes they appear to be in context with the date or events taking place in my life.

I want to keep a record of every song, every day for a year to see if I can answer a few questions for myself:

  • Does it happen every day, or does it just feel like it does?
  • How varied is the music library in my mind?
  • Does my mind ever repeat a song throughout the year?
  • Just how often are the songs in context?
  • If word of this spreads just how crazy will people think I am?